La Fiesta de San Isidro Labrador 2024 sera celebrada el Sabado 11 de Mayo a las 2:00 p.m. Tendremos Sidra Mayador, tortilla de patata y chorizos a la parrilla. Toda la comunidad Española residente en la región Sur Este de Manitoba son bienvenidos y la entrada es totalmente gratuita! Pónganse en contacto con El Niño de Vallecas para mas información.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Friday, July 23, 2021
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Puigdemont's illegal referendum on October 1, 2017 that broke Spanish Constitutional Laws, and the fact there were no international election observers to audit the "fake" yes vote results demonstrates to the international community the true intentions of this anti Human Rights tyrant.
Millions of citizens marched the streets thereafter to protest the illegal referendum, and they kindly asked the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey, to enact article 155 of the Spanish Constitution to place those traitorous elements within the Catalonian regime responsible for the embarrassment and oppression of it's citizens in prison. Spain is a Democratic Society governed by Law and it is both the duty and obligation of all Spaniards to defend their country.
Friday, January 2, 2015
¡ESTADOS UNIDOS LE DEBE TODO A ESPAÑA! Extracto del programa Sin Complejos de Luis del Pino en el que se suelen contar las gestas de los Españoles olvidados. Lamentablemente la racista leyenda negra antiespañola ha calado demasiado hondo entre la gente menos inteligente y es más lo que se sabe de las mentiras que de las verdades. Este video trata sobre lo que los Estados Unidos debe a España, desde su descubrimiento hasta su independencia de Gran Bretaña y de cómo se trata de silenciar todo aquello!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Casa de España en Manitoba is a social organization officially established on November 30, 2011. It's aim is to serve the Spanish speaking community living in the South Eastern region of Manitoba while advancing and promoting the Spanish culture. Membership is open to all Spaniards, Hispanics and those who wish to immerse themselves in ¡Españolísimo!